The Beginning
I introduced myself and welcomed him to the neighborhood - this at more than arm's length due to his reluctance to reach his hand out to be shaken - especially while 'Nir Nir Nit', my shepherd, was on her hind legs straining to get closer. He told me of his fear, and that other family members also shared it. But when I asked if he would like to get to know a real people pooch that would only lick him - no danger whatever - if he followed my instructions - he readily agreed.
I told him what to do - stand still with his hand out, palm down, and try as hard as he could to relax. Sure enough, Shepherd lurched to hand, sniffed and snorted, circled and sniffed, and another dog devotee was being developed. The dog sat, calmed down and I told "Iwant" to gently scratch her head and back. He did so for about 10 seconds, and actually got scared -jumping backward - when 'Nir Nir Nit' went all the way down and rolled over on her back, hoping to get a belly rub.
The young lad -with a little encouragement and guidance - gladly obliged, and a new friendship was formed.
to be continued